698 Welcome Back 698 Welcome Back published on September 9, 2024Read more posts by the author of 698 Welcome Back, Andeh5 Comments on 698 Welcome Back and it’s the return of our favorite loser super crims! Share this:RedditShare on TumblrThreadsBluesky Related
What is that thing on the lower right? Is that supposed to be his hand? Loading... Lol it’s a butt. He’s has butts for hands since season 1. It’s why he’s named Bruise Donk-a-donk lol Loading... I've been here since the beginning, and somehow I don't remember him! Loading... He appeared in the last chapter of season 1 when choppy and mega had that falling out. Loading...
Lol it’s a butt. He’s has butts for hands since season 1. It’s why he’s named Bruise Donk-a-donk lol Loading... I've been here since the beginning, and somehow I don't remember him! Loading... He appeared in the last chapter of season 1 when choppy and mega had that falling out. Loading...
I've been here since the beginning, and somehow I don't remember him! Loading... He appeared in the last chapter of season 1 when choppy and mega had that falling out. Loading...
What is that thing on the lower right? Is that supposed to be his hand?
Lol it’s a butt. He’s has butts for hands since season 1. It’s why he’s named Bruise Donk-a-donk lol
I've been here since the beginning, and somehow I don't remember him!
He appeared in the last chapter of season 1 when choppy and mega had that falling out.
The very definition of insanity