Alliance: Crimefighter

Powers: Super strength, Nigh-invulnerability.

Bio: Isis wasn’t always the curvaceous metahuman she is today. Before she was gifted with superpowers, she was just a petite little geek girl who spent most of her social interactions on the web. Even though she now has the power to crush a tank with her bare hands, she still finds it hard to not feel like the introverted girl that she was just a few years ago. Isis has come to terms with her body, and the perks that come with being a curvy geek girl. Much like how even the strongest of heroes can have moments of weakness, and as such she has strong feelings of inadequacy in terms of where she is in the superhero community. When she’s not “bashing faces in” or moping around and feeling outclassed, Isis can be found geeking out at her favorite spot, Candyflip Records and Comics.

672 Dang Right!

672 Dang Right! published on No Comments on 672 Dang Right!

have a safe weekend, gang! I’m working so party for me! remember to sign up for updates on the Mega Maiden Kickstarter! goes live next month! also!!! I’m having a font sale: 119 fonts + commercial license for $50usd

681 That’s a No-no!

681 That’s a No-no! published on No Comments on 681 That’s a No-no!

Mega Maiden: Welcome Home #1 is 75% funded w/ less than 2 weeks left! We’re roughly around $110 bucks short of our goal! Please back it is you can, and if you can’t at least share it!