Alliance: Villain.

Powers: Mechakinesis

514 I Don’t Wanna Die!

514 I Don’t Wanna Die! published on No Comments on 514 I Don’t Wanna Die!

Nega Maiden expresses her concerns that they’re going to end up looking like street pizza if they don’t move it. Backup Nurse agrees and suggests moving to safer place. Lizzy is in shock and crying that she doesn’t want to die. She almost gets crushed by falling debris. Garnet drags her out exclaiming that the sky is falling.

The Moon begins to fall apart, and the girls safely in the bubble bounce around through the Moon's debris as it falls through it's chasm. Garnet ask's Moon Goddess to watch where she's driving. She exclaims that she's not driving. Nega then asks "Then who is?"

517 Falling Apart

517 Falling Apart published on No Comments on 517 Falling Apart

The Moon begins to fall apart, and the girls safely in the bubble bounce around through the Moon’s debris as it falls through it’s chasm. Garnet ask’s Moon Goddess to watch where she’s driving. She exclaims that she’s not driving. Nega then asks “Then who is?”