so I had this cool idea to share the girls’ personal music playlists (nega included). kind of like a peek into what they like and listen to, to get pumped. so i guess, enjoy…?
Posts categoriezed as site updates

new vote incentive!
lol I say “new” because what , we haven’t had one since like 2013 🤣
anyways, go vote and get it!
have you heard of
@namicomi? well, it’s kinda like mangadex for original comics. I’m uploading Mega Maiden there. I’m up to season 3 right now. please check out the site and share it if you can!…
Shop updates!
So I’m taking down the gumroad link because I just added all the digital versions of every issue/chapter to the Power Wave Comics shopify shop. I set them ALL for $0.99usd each! link up top on the sites main navigation!
well, that’s it for today! see you tomarrow with another comic update!
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updated Reading List(01/4/23)
hey, Mega Gang! Just a heads up that I updated the ol’ reading list!
I added “I was a teenage super villain” by Spacekrispies.
A change in the house of MOON!! xD
lol bad Deftones joke was bad!
So you may have noticed we’ve moved back to using WordPress for the site again. While I liked Comic CTRL, it just wasn’t for me. it was a bit too limiting for a person who likes tinkering a lot lol
I plan to eventually redo the cast page completely, but I’m not ready for that yet. So, hang in there for that.
well, that’s that! here’s to the future! xD