Isis Cook and Delaney Bell are two aspiring superheroines, they’re not very good at it, but this doesn’t stop them from trying their best. When the robot revolution starts to stir up trouble will Mega Maiden and The Chop Chop princess be enough to put a stop to it before it’s too late?

010 Secret Origins pt1

010 Secret Origins pt1 published on 1 Comment on 010 Secret Origins pt1

Remember…. There’s nothing wrong with humble busts, as long as you can move those hips! ;D and that’s how Isis got her powers! I don’t know the actual term for someone who gets their powers via ancient “magical” items. If anyone does know please do tell me!

011 Secret Origins pt2

011 Secret Origins pt2 published on No Comments on 011 Secret Origins pt2

Poor Dee Dee. ;-; I actually feel sorry for her. having an embarrassing dad is pretty bad. Having an embarrassing SUPER dad, I’d imagine would be even more so! But I should mention, her dad seems pretty awesome from a y’know, a MAN’s perspective LOL Idol-worthy, even! 😛 At least she paid tribute to her… Continue reading 011 Secret Origins pt2

012 Robotic Revolution

012 Robotic Revolution published on No Comments on 012 Robotic Revolution

It’s The girls’ neighbor, Erik(as previously mentioned). I guess it’s a good thing he’s friends with Dee Dee.  and what is this? sentient robots?! OMG is it … why yes, it’s some Super Crims!!! :O