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What if we go to print…?

What if we go to print…? published on No Comments on What if we go to print…?

So, I been thinking 🤔

if I was going to print season 1 as a tpb (issues 1-5) would you prefer it to be in color or keep it b/w with just color covers? And if I chose to go this route and went with crowdfunding, would you actually back something like that? I mean I’d definitely toss in some extras into the book too. JS.

Would you prefer printed versions in color or b/w?

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A change in the house of MOON!! xD

A change in the house of MOON!! xD published on No Comments on A change in the house of MOON!! xD

lol bad Deftones joke was bad!

So you may have noticed we’ve moved back to using WordPress for the site again. While I liked Comic CTRL, it just wasn’t for me. it was a bit too limiting for a person who likes tinkering a lot lol

I plan to eventually redo the cast page completely, but I’m not ready for that yet. So, hang in there for that.

well, that’s that! here’s to the future! xD

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