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L.A Comic-con next weekend!

L.A Comic-con next weekend! published on 1 Comment on L.A Comic-con next weekend!

hey! So next weekend I’ll be at L.A Comic-con over in the artist alley at G04!

I’ll be m.i.a on the 4th, as I’ll be at the NoFx final shows( my friend will be running the booth for me that day. but i will be there on the 5th-6 in full force!

So, if you’re there make sure to drop by and say hi!

Kickstarter Campaign was a Success!

Kickstarter Campaign was a Success! published on No Comments on Kickstarter Campaign was a Success!

well, MegaFam. we did it! we successfully funded issue one of Mega Maiden: Welcome Home(aka season 3)!

so now, we wait for the funds. the book is printer-ready. so once I get them i can send the files for the book and other rewards to get made. this is super exciting and a little nerve wracking tbh.

I’ve started work on coloring and editing issue 2. so onwards and upwards!!!

FYI, I’ll be adding the comic to the shop after I’ve fulfilled rewards for the backers.

Kickstarter is 83% Funded!

Kickstarter is 83% Funded! published on No Comments on Kickstarter is 83% Funded!
an image showcasing a Sticker set of characters from Mega maiden season 2

hey! great news we’re hitting the home stretch on the Kickstarter for season 3 issue 1 aka Mega Maiden: Welcome Home! #1. To celebrate how far we’ve made it I’m adding a second sticker set add-on of characters from season 2. including characters like the royal terrors and Amazon tits and cockblock lol and more!

if you haven’t backed it yet, don’t miss out on your chance to experience the start of the whole Nega Maiden arc in full-color for the first time!

Issues in print update 6/3/24

Issues in print update 6/3/24 published on No Comments on Issues in print update 6/3/24

I’ve mentioned before about publishing physical issues. so here’s where we’re with that –

I decided to start with season 3, aka the soft reboot. But it’d be lame to publish it as is. so I’ve begun to color the pages. I’m almost halfway through the first issue. once I have it done, I’ll take it to Kickstarter to try to get it done and in people’s hands.

just thought I’d give y’all an update on this.

Mega Maiden season 2 TPB now in shop!

Mega Maiden season 2 TPB now in shop! published on No Comments on Mega Maiden season 2 TPB now in shop!

Mega Maiden season 2: Best Friends for Never?! – is available now!

It collects Mega Maiden #6-9 and contains the no longer available “tights – from the rooftops to the blacktops” mini-comics and unused comic pages that would later inspire the events in recent story arcs.

96pgs b/w TPB

Get it here: https://mega

Origin one-shot?

Origin one-shot? published on No Comments on Origin one-shot?

So I came up with an idea to do a one-shot about Mega Maiden before her move to The City, when she first got the Tiara from Lady Facepuncher. A definite origins story.

I’m thinking full color and probably gonna try to take it to Kickstarter. Hopefully this time it’ll have a bit more success. I feel maybe a single issue/origin story might be easier to get people to bite.

What are your thoughts?

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