Check this out! Ken Albery, the creator of The Salvaged She-newt drew Chop Chop Princess!! 🤩🤘
Shop updates!
So I’m taking down the gumroad link because I just added all the digital versions of every issue/chapter to the Power Wave Comics shopify shop. I set them ALL for $0.99usd each! link up top on the sites main navigation!
well, that’s it for today! see you tomarrow with another comic update!
Just a heads up!
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i got interviewed!!
Season 1 TPB now available!
the day has finally arrived, you can now own your very own copy of Mega Maiden season 1 in beautiful book form!
it’s 122pgs, black and white and collects chapters 1-5!
What are you waiting for? Go grab your copy today!

progress is progress!
Just finished the layouts/roughs for the last few pages of this coming week’s Mega Maiden pages! Then we start MM #30!! I am so pumped!
I also finalized the the outline for the rest of season 7. I cannot wait! Some really cool stuff planned! Oh yeah starting Monday, we are back to our normal 3x a week schedule!!
Good news comes in twos!
so first things first! This coming week is my last week working two locations. Which means…. Come next Monday we will back to our regular three times a week schedule! Yay!!
good news part deux!
the second good news is I got the first batch of Season 1 books! and they’re absolutely beautiful!!! Comix Well Spring did a fantastic job!

So next payday I’m going to pick up shipping supplies for the books, and then I’ll put up a page on the site where you can buy a copy. Just letting you know the time schedule 😁🤘(2weeks)
Well that’s it for today! Have a great weekend!!
Temporary schedule change!
So for like the next 2 months I’ll be covering two locations for work. So I hate to say this but there’s no way I’m going to be able to put out 3 pages of Mega Maiden every week. I’m going to try to at least get you one comic page every week, maybe two. But no promises!
Anyways, just wanted to let you all know!
sorry, gang.